Shocking Odds
An OG Filming Production,
In association with
Kanrac Entertainment
Directed by:
Kansas Bradbury
Russell A. Crews
Phil Goora
Written by:
Kansas Bradbury
Russell A. Crews
Phil Goora
Genre: Action/Drama
Tag line: "When lust and greed equal death, what are the odds that you'll come out on top?"
Plot Outline: Paul and Amanda have a less then amicable marriage. When things change in Paul's life, Amanda and her lover Brent become greedy and take matters into their own hands.
Background: "Shocking Odds" was written, produced, shot and edited in a 48 hour timeframe for the "48 Hour Toronto Film Challenge". Teams were given a Genre, Crisis, Location, and Prop that had to be incorporated into the film. You can see these items for "Shocking Odds" on the first slate of the movie. Click here to see "Shocking Odds".
Cast (in order of appearance):
Jeffrey Stockdale ... Brent
Amanda Wood ... Amanda
Patrick Thomas Reilly ... Paul
Runtime: 6 min 49 sec
Country: Canada
Language: English
Color: Colour
Produced by:
Kansas Bradbury
Russell A. Crews
Phil Goora
Nathan O'Brian
Edited by:
Phil Goora
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